About Me and This Website

Nardis is the title of one of my most beloved compositions. Originally written by Miles Davis, I came to love it thanks to Bill Evans, like many others before me.

I like a lot of different kinds of music, but I did not really start having the appreciation I have for it today until I started listening to jazz, my "favourite genre". Today, music holds an important part in my life, although I do not compose it myself nor do I play very often (or well).

My biggest "artistic" interest, however, is the cinema. There was a time where I wanted to make films of my own, but today I would rather be a spectator. I used to watch a film at least once a day. While I'm no longer able to do that, I try to watch as often as I can.

To follow my interest in logic, I studied mathematics rather than philosophy. I will probably never know whether it was a mistake. I maintain an interest in both subjects.

Perhaps it is worth pointing out that I am an adult, although it doesn't always feel like it. I live somewhere in Europe. I spend a lot of my time alone with my thoughts. My pronouns are he/him.

I should apologise in advance in case any of the contents of my site turn out to be dark or depressing. My life is not in its best place and the anonymity of the Internet permits me to say all those things I think but could never tell anyone in person lest they worry too much about me or try to institutionalise me or direct me to hotlines I won't call. Sometimes what I need is simply to feel sorry for myself and there will almost definitely be times where I come here to do just that.
